Recently we informed by our Japan customer that their racer using 3Racing F1-09 to won in F1 class and got the TQ in the competition which hosted by RC Magazine. And after the TENKATOUITSU competition, this racer has won in the Club competition which hosted by our customer again!!
Who is it? He's the Japanese racer - Mr. Shigeki Morishima!! Congratulations!!
According to our customer, the shopkeeper of "Rajikon Car Shop Miyazaki", Mr. Miyazaki mail, the racer of Team Bomber, Mr. Ryuji Kato and the racer of Team Extreme, Mr. Tomohiro Hirai also has joined to the F1 class competition. At the last moment, Mr. Morishima and Mr. Kato has a close race and Mr. Morishima has won the competition and TQ by very narrow margin at the end. Congratulation to Mr. Morishima!!
We through Mr. Miyazaki to contact with the winner, Mr. Morishima and we got the permittion form him to share his setting of F1-09 here!!
Here is Mr. Morishima's F1-09 and his setting.
F Tyre TRP Hard 50.0mm
R Tyre ZEN super soft 50.5 mmWheel F/R TRG
Body Height F3.0/R3.5, F Spring TAMIYA mediumRear Roll Spring HardR Tyre ZEN super soft 50.5 mmWheel F/R TRG
Roll Damper Kyosho Silicon Oil
3000 Piston 1 Hole
Pitching Damper Spring, Normal Oil 400, Damper Lenth 65.0
Battery Li-Po 4000, Motor Yokomo 21.5T
Pinion 32 Spur 88
Front Suspension Arm TAMIYA 103
Roll Spring with 3mm Spacer, using in Ring Lot Long
Body TRG FW16
We would like to thank for "Rajikon Car Shop Miyazaki", the shopkeeper Mr. Miyazaki to provided the above information.
And, we would to introduce this Radio control shop in here.
"Rajikon Car shop Miyazaki" is a shop which is selling the product of moder car and managing a track. Our F109 also is one of the favourite car of Mr. Miyazaki, F1-09 series is keeping in their stock normally.
This photo took in TITC 2010 with Mr. Miyazaki(left hand side).
For more detail of "Rajikon Car Shop Miyazaki", please kindly visit this website:
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